The broad brush, which I mention in my blog Abstract Painting of a Twisted Agenda, seems to be the trend in Pentecost when one does not like something. Don't like that the guy down the road because he does not wear a tie? Broad brush. Don't like the new music they are playing in other churches? Broad brush. Pulpit moved so the Pastor is viewed as more down to earth? Broad brush.
On and on one can go and find different areas that people disagree with. The problem with the disagreement is that when one does, instead of noting it as just a personal dislike, they tie it to a faulty doctrine and then broad brush that person or church as dangerous. While it is agreed upon that false doctrine or erronious translations of scripture is indeed a very dangerous thing and for one to avoid, to paint someone into that mural just because they do not fit the cookie cutter that you have created, is as dangerous the movement you painted them into.
Emergent churches from the surface seem to be tied to universalism but along the way they also have a flair of relevancy. Relevance today, while some use it as a four letter word, is not a bad thing by itself. The problem is that many Charismatics have used relevance in their services and so the painting goes, if you are relevant, then you are charismatic. If you are relevant, then you are part of the emergent church. If you are part of the emergant church, then you are young. If you are young, then you are ignorant. The youth of today will destroy what the forefathers have worked so hard on! The youth of today are removing the landmarks! The youth of today are horrible! They are part of a emerging relevant church! Detest them in everyway! Label them now! Broad brush them into a false doctrine movement!
Be careful with that paint brush. Just because something does not fit your personal taste does not automatically make it a false doctrine or sin. Just because you cannot find a scripture to attack that personal style also does not mean you should attach that person or group to a movement just because that movement happens to have that style.
I for one agree, if a person is in false doctrine, then talk to that person. See if you can correct their ways. If not, mark them. False doctrine is and always will be dangerous and in no way should be part of the church. Person playing country twang music while you play modern worship songs? Let it be as just a personal taste. Are they teaching from a plexiglass podium while you have an old wooden pulpit? Let it be. Don't take your personal view and make it into an agenda , painting with a broad brush, labeling anything you disagree with as heretical.