Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is May 21st Just Another Day?

All across America you can see them. Billboards, RV's and people proclaiming to "Save the Date!" May 21st, 2011, Judgement Day! Thanks to a campaign effort by a man named Harold Camping and his radio program, this information is everywhere and they want you and I to take notice.

Let me state for the record though that I for one think that Harold Camping and Family Radio have already made it clear in 1994, that they are tossing darts at a calendar with their various predictions.
The date May 21, 2011 is simply a date. Any significance of that date will be determined once we walk through it.
To predict anything of Biblical significance of that date before hand is not only an ignorant thing to do but is also a disservice to Christianity. It’s ignorant in the fact that scripture makes it clear that NO man will know the day or the hour. It is a disservice to Christianity also because if the “prediction” of Mr. Camping does not occur on May 21st, then the false prophetic uttering makes the non-Christian take the second coming of the Lord even more lightly.

Now, I do believe that May 21st could be the day that the Lord comes back. I also believe that the next day, the day after that or the weeks and months to come after that are also good days for Him to come back. You see, I am not predicting the day but do know that scripture tells us that one day He WILL come back. Is May 21st a good day? Sure. Will He come back on that day like Mr. Camping says? Only God Himself knows. Mr. Camping, nor Family Radio and not even I know the true day.

So, does that mean to kick back and rest easy now? Not so. He is coming back one day soon. Regardless of what people predict, regardless of what the naysayer might say and regardless of if we are ready or not, He will be coming and one day and each and every one of us will stand face to face with Him. We can look at the signs of the times and know that His return is eminent. We can read the book of Revelations and see how it resembles current world events. We can even watch for things to unfold at the temple mount and monitor various other end time events, but in the end, we cannot predict the exact time of His coming.

Sorry Mr. Camping. While the Lord can come back on May 21st, it will not be due to any mathematical equation you came up with. It will only mean that the Lord chose to come back then in His timing. So with that said, the truly proper thing to be doing with the RV’s and Billboards that are proclaiming May 21, 2011 on them is to proclaim the Gospel and reach the lost souls. Do Christianity a service and tell people about Jesus not just a date on the calendar.