Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Real Thing!

I was thinking the other day about what happens when you are "real?" As I look across the my life's spectrum, just like any other arena of life, there tend to be a lot of "fake" people mixed in with the "real."

I chose many years ago to only be a real person. In other words, what you see is what you get. I worked with young people that way for many years. I was upfront with them, straightforward, no watered down comments, opinions, etc. I have had many of them come up to me, e-mail me, etc. thanking me for being "real." Not for just being their teacher, friend, minister, but for being real.

I see a lot of patting of the shoulders and fake smiles. I hear a lot of 'politically correct' comments and or vague double speak from others in order to hide their true feelings or thoughts. I see a lot of people who behind closed doors become another person altogether and are not that same teacher, preacher, friend, etc. that you seen in public.

What would happen if you were just real? The same person you see out in public, is the same person you would see if you visited their home? The same person that patted your back, actually meant it. That smile was genuine. That 'thought to ponder' that you gave someone was an actual sincere attempt at helping that person instead of just getting them out of your face.

Obviously, being real does have its challenges. Some people you might talk to, will not be able to handle real comments. They might get offended by the audacity of you to tell them the truth. This is where being 'real' and 'genuine' balances out any bluntness your comment might pertain. More times than not, my 'realness' has been well received. Other times, the person, while not being so accepting at the beginning, was thankful for the 'realness' later on. A sincere heart and genuine comment will always balance it out.

What would happen if everyone removed the facade of being that labeled position or persuasion and began to be just that real person?

I'm tired of the fake, "How are you today?" passing comment. I want to hear someone say it and mean it. I am tired of the practiced smiles on peoples faces. I want to see real people. I want to know that you have bad days too. I want to know that you are not perfect. That sometimes you have that 'kick the dog' type of day.

Time to get off the high horse. Quit hiding behind some kind of title or position. Stop the egotistical mindsets.

Get over yourself, most of us already have.

What would happen if you were just real today?