Friday, November 20, 2009


You would think that in today’s world, and the several methods of communication, that people would be able to communicate well. For some reason though, people are unable to hold meaningful conversation. One might ramble, the other snaps at something said, one might not be listening, or someone might be completely misinterpreting what is being said. It might be that one might just not want to know or they just hear only what they want to hear. Regardless, communication suffers.

The biggest problem is that everyone seems to be subjective. No matter how objective one might try to be, people still only want to see their point of view and never attempt to see the bigger picture. This results in minor misunderstandings to complete breakdown in communication. These breakdowns in communication result in many possible unresolved and unfortunate events ie: friendships ending, family feuds, introverted personalities, built up anger, disappointment, hurt, depression, etc. It also causes walls to be built that further complicate the communication methods even the more.

I believe the subjective, “All about me…”, “What’s in it for me…”, “Tell me what I want to hear…” type of listening, whether it be purposely done or unintentionally done, it is a very dangerous skill to possess. In fact, these things if done with a pretense, or in a meditated manner, while one portrays to be innocent of these motives, can be hypocritical of that person. They, like a person at a masquerade ball, have placed a mask on their meditated and subjective goal for the conversation and are hiding what they really are or what they really want the end result to be from that interaction.

When one steps back from their agendas, hang-ups, or erroneous communication skills, and begin to hear and see things in a more objective manner, then the communication level begins to develop into more meaningful content. It allows the walls to come down, it removes any false pretenses and it gives the ability for two or more people to not only have a meaningful conversation but also the ability to resolve any conflict or mend any issues that are unresolved.

Phillipians 4:8 says “Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper…”

I believe that scripture, compiled with John13:34, helps people keep an objective mindset and reduces much misunderstandings, miscommunications and breakdowns in the communicative effort. I further believe that if a vertical communication is constant with God, then a horizontal human communication will be constant and objective and done all in Christ like manner.

When one has done their best to be forthright and honest with their communication efforts, yet it seems it was all for naught and their words falls on subjective ears and in turn their good might of been evil spoken of, then we can remind ourselves with what 2 Corinthians 6:8-10 says: “We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors. We are ignored, even though we are well known. We live close to death, but we are still alive. We have been beaten, but we have not been killed. Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.”

I leave you with this thought....

Lines of communication might break down, but that does not mean they have to forever remain broken.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Show me Thy Glory!

Sunday Evening, I spoke, with the help from God, about the moment in Moses' life in which he cries out unto God, "Lord, show me thy glory!"

He looked around him and the children of Israel had let him down.

All the work he had down seemed to have unraveled due to the lack of wisdom by Arron.

Moses cries unto the Lord, "Show me thy Glory."

He was in a sense, at a moment of desperation in his life.

He was depressed, down trodden, hurt, disappointed, all at the same time.

Moses was called back up to Mt Sinai. It was here, that not only does the Lord respond, but he places Moses in the cleft of the rock.

In I Corinthians 10:4 we see a passage of scripture that tells us what that rock is.

"And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."

Now in Moses' situation, the cleft of the rock could be a typecast of the rock we have grown to know today as the rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ.

Moses was placed in the ever loving, ever protecting hands of the rock.

I believe we can glean a few things from this today...

1. There is a rock, that we need to plant ourselves firmly within the cleft of. On Christ, the solid rock I stand, all other is sinking sand!

2. If you are to ever see the Glory of the Lord, you have to be aligned with Jesus.

3. You cannot have a visitation from God and leave unchanged. Moses glowed after his visitation. You too will be different.

Moses found himself in a discouraging moment.

How many of you are finding this time in your life troubling?

So many things that are troubling in this world and Christian are not immune to some events. The rain falls on the just and unjust. The only difference is, you have a rock for protection. You can rest in the ever loving hands of the Lord. You can make known your request today, "Lord, show me thy glory!" When He passes by...I promise you, something is going to happen.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Clarion Call of the Liberal Mind

In a conversation the other day, my wife was talking about some ridiculous things people have been posting on Facebook lately. Someone spoke up and stated, "We are Christian, so we are not supposed to Judge anyways."

This got me to thinking. On the surface, this person was right; we shouldn't be running around judging others or delving out their punishments. But on the other hand, the comment they made rang clearly as the clarion call of the backsliders and the liberal movement. "Who are you to judge!" "I thought you were Christian? You are no better than ______"

It seems that the farther away from Christ one gets, the louder the cry becomes. The walls of paranoid defense go up when the hedge of Holiness goes down.

When I look at scripture, I do not see the defined rule on Christians not judging. Sure, I see Judge not lest ye be judged. That in and of itself would seem proper, however, when placed in context with the rest of the scriptures, I see that it is telling the hypocrites not to judge someone when they were doing the same things them self. So if you do not have that plank in your eye and can see clearly, it should be proper for you to approach a falling soul and talk to them.

Today's world has desensitized people and this desensitization has crept into the churches. It has people believing that we should accept diversity or that we should accept the wrong doings of others. It has them believing that nobody has a right to speak out against sin nor do they have a right to respond to it.

So we find the wavering saint in places like Facebook, waving their supposed new found liberties( in reality they are waving chains of bondage once again) and bragging with their statuses or their photos on how 'free' they can be. They know they are connected to you, they know that they will offend and they know that many times, their actions will prove to be controversial....yet they do it anyways.

They stand by, ready for action, ready for response, ready to attack with the out of context scripture, "Judge not!"

This is not your normal un-churched person. These are those who were once walking the path but have began to waver. Handling a person who is not even drinking the milk of the gospel, understandably, you would not approach the same way as you would a person who has chewed on the meat of the gospel. These people have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. They have sat on the pew. They have heard the message. They have stained the altar with their tears. Now though, they find themselves in a different position, a posture of defense. "Don't you dare comment about me!"

Christians need to be postured at the altar. They should be looking to live above reproach. They should not be in a defensive mode but in a loving mode. In fact, defense is one of the 'fight or flight' conditions of the human psych. It raises it's head during a moment in which fear is introduced. It raises it's head when the person begins to feel threatened.

Fear is result of our attempting to stand in our own strength and not Gods. It is, in this case, an uneasiness of mind upon the thought of what others might say or think about us. It is produced in anticipation of the impending events due to a persons decisions or stance. It is a product of the mind. Phil 2:5 tells us "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." If our minds our set to be like Christ’s, then why would one be in fear or in defense of their decisions?

Facebook is just one of many facets in which people are choosing to wave their views. They show an insignia of fear upon their banner. The preparation for defense of self is well under way. The scripture "Judge not!" is in hand. They are ready to find another reason to justify their decisions.

As Christians I can say, we need to be careful on how we approach one in need, not with a watered down warning, but also without a condemning tone either. We do need to warn the unruly. We do need to help a fallen soul. We do need to be there when they come home. We don't need to be rude nor feel the need to be their executioner. If we follow the steps of Christ, we will be fine. In the end though, our message might not be well received. Looking back though, the message and warnings from Jesus were not well received either.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When God Speaks

Ecclesiastes 8:4

Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?


“God said” appears 46 times in 46 verses of the Bible
The Lord said... 233 times

This does not include the several instances in scripture that contain:

God spoke
The Lord spoke
The Word of the Lord
Declares the Lord
Says the Lord

But thru my studies, every time I noticed God speak… was done.

He spoke in creation and power went with his word to call all things out of nothing.


He created everything out of nothing by simply speaking into it.

God spoke any many ways in the Old Testament.

1. God spoke through angels when he spoke to Hagar in Genesis 16
2. God spoke through dreams to Jacob in Genesis 28:10
3. God spoke through visions to Abram in Genesis 15
4. God spoke through symbolic actions of a potter in Jeremiah 18
5. The Silence of God spoke in 1 Kings 19
6. God spoke through miraculous signs of flies of all things in Exodus 8
7. And of coarse, God spoke directly Himself in Genesis 3:9

Hebrews 1

In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son

Side by Side, Old Testament, New Testament, God speaks, at sundry times and in diverse manners…and as we are about to see….He still speaks in the New Testament and even speaks today!

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

We now see that same God of the Old testament, manifested in the flesh, walking amongst mankind.

Some called him John the Baptist
Others Elijah
Others called him Jeremiah
A Prophet
Some say he was just a good man
Some say he was a philosopher

But Jesus is…..

He is Wonderful
He is Counselor
He IS the Mighty God
He is Eternal Father
He is also the Prince of Peace
Before Abraham was born, Jesus said He is the I AM

Thomas got it right when he said, “My Lord AND my God”

When you see Jesus work miracles,

when you hear Jesus speak…you ARE hearing God speak.

John 10:27 says My sheep listen to my voice.

Proverbs 8:34 tells us:

Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord.

The sheep knew to list and watch for Jesus.

We see the miraculous Word of Jesus working throughout the new Testament.

Matthew chapter 9, Jesus speaks and heals the two blind men

Mark chapter 7 he simply speaks “Be opened” and the deaf man was able to hear again and at the same time spoke normal.

In Luke 17, he speaks healing unto the lepers

In John 4, Jesus speaks life into son of the father he was with.

In John 8, Jesus speaks unto the sinner lady and saves her from a certain death….telling her to GO and sin no more.

Mark chapter 8, he cleansed the leper.

He verbally rebuked the fever from Peter’s Mother in Law in Luke chapter 4

In Luke chapter 5 he spoke unto the paralyzed man healing.

In Luke chapter 8 he spoke life into the ruler’s daughter

In Luke chapter 7, he spoke life into the widow’s son

John chapter 11 he cries out “Lazarus come forth” and rose him from the dead.

In Mark chapter 5, he spoke against the demons

And on and on it went…

Jesus spoke…and miracles happened.

Jesus spoke…and it was so.

In Mark 4:35 We find Jesus telling his disciples to get into a boat

A Storm of hurricane proportions begins to ravage the boat after while.

But after a long day at work, we find that Jesus was asleep in the stern of the boat.

Some things to note about this particular boat trip…

This was a boat trip ordered by Jesus, not the disciples.

The focus was from point A to point B but the focus was no longer on point B, but survival of the storm.

There Faith, or lack thereof, was now facing uncertainty

And the whole time…….Jesus was asleep

How many has ever been in this situation…

Here you are, in a storm, struggling to survive, and Jesus was asleep!

How could he sleep during such a storm?

The Word might produce emotion in us, but the Word itself does not get emotional because a circumstance is present. The Word does not shift with circumstance, circumstance shifts with the Word!

So here we are….in a storm we did not ask to be in…

I didn’t ask to be in a storm of sickness
I didn’t ask to be in a storm of disease
I didn’t ask to be in a storm of a broken or failing marriage
I didn’t ask to be in a storm of that addiction
I didn’t ask to be in a storm of anxiety or panic attacks
I didn’t ask to be in a storm and now JESUS, the person who ordered me IN this boat is sleeping????
I know you had to hear that thunder Jesus!
I know you had to feel the rain!
I know you had to feel the tossing of the boat to and fro!

Don’t you care? Don’t you understand?

I want to reiterate that……Jesus was on the boat!

I would rather be in a boat with Jesus, than to be on a boat without Him.

So the disciples go down and nudge Jesus awake.

Verse 39 say And He arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, Hush now! Be still! And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

That’s enough Wind….Stop!

Make a note right here though….

If you do not get anything else out of today’s sermon, get this….

Jesus walked right past the disciples and spoke to the storm!

Jesus walked PAST the disciples…did not speak to them.

Jesus spoke to the storm directly.

Sometimes the Word will not come to you!

Sometimes it is spoken directly to your storm!

40 He said to them, Why are you so timid and fearful? How is it that you have no faith (no firmly relying trust)?

If God says something then it means that it is unquestionable….and totally believable and it is assurance that you are already provided for!

2 Corinthians says tell us

For all the promises of God in him is yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

God’s Word is either yes or no….but regardless, God still speaks today!

So my friend…it’s time..

Time to run to the stern and get in His presence…
Time to quit trying to solve it, fix it, change it…It’s all on Jesus now.

Time to stop crying and start praying
Time to stop being frustrated and start getting into His presence
It is time to give the Word a nudge!

When God speaks...there is power,

There is power in the word of the King!

Friend, you carry the presence of that King....your Lord, your God!

You carry the Word!

That same Word that spoke the Heavens into existence
The same Word that told the water where to start and where to stop

The same Word that spoke to Noah

The same Word that spoke to Moses

The same Word that made the waters split for the children of Israel

Than made Manna to rain down from Heaven

That made Fire to light the way

That made Enemies to fall by the wayside

The same Word that healed the sick and raised the dead

The same Word that was hung on a cross for your salvation…

You carry that Word!

That Word is inside you if you are a child of God today!

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

God wants to speak to you

He wants to speak into your sickness

He wants to speak into your marriage

He wants to speak into your circumstance

We need to open our hearts today…

Open your eyes

Our your ears

Prepare ourselves to receive the Word that He has for us today!

You said….it can’t happen

God said, it’s already happening

It’s already coming

BY your faith….it is done.

God still speaks today!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Rearview Mirror

On my drivers license I have a 'B' in the restriction column. When I flip the license over, the explanation given for this restriction is that I am required to have a outside rearview mirror. The restriction is probably due to me being legally blind in my right eye. I laugh about this particular restriction though because for the most part, the majority of vehicles made today have that required mirror.

When I get into my car in the morning, my first thought is not "I better check for an outside rearview mirror!" For that matter, I rarely even notice anything about the car except if it started or not when I turn the key in the ignition. When I drive down the road, my main focus is normally on what is going on in front of me and rarely what is behind me.

Do not get me wrong though, I do use the rearview mirror! It is just that I never really give the mirror that much of a second thought....that is...until today. Four months into the year 2009 and I finally sat down to think about the past year. The events that unfolded. There was moments of excitement, moments of tears, times of pain, yet many positives.

I sat down to look into life's rearview mirror to glance at what was behind me. In a nutshell, 2008 was a year of awakening. It was the year I felt I had finally arrived at a new horizon in my ministry. It was a year of drawing closer to my wife and kids. It was a year of many exciting journeys. It was also sadly a year in which I felt like a knife had been driven in my back by people I placed much trust in. It was a time in which people I called friend for so many years, were in reality, not friends at all. I was tossed carelessly to the side of the road to die, or so I felt.

To say today that it did not hurt would be a lie. It hurt and it hurt badly. I felt like the very thing that God had given to me, man was trying to destroy. I was to the point of almost being convinced that they were right. I wanted to just give up though I knew that giving up was exactly what the enemy wanted me to do.

Thru it all I had friends that were real and genuine, come to my aid. I had a wife and kids, who were also hurt by the same people, hold me up in the time of need. I was being ministered to by God thru people who probably did not even realize they were being used in such a way.

I looked in the rearview mirror today and saw the happiness, joy, pride, yet even the anger, disappointment, hurt and pain of 2008. I learned that the people who tried to destroy me are all behind me now. Even the many fun moments, and bright spots of life in 2008 are behind me. I learned that while the objects in the mirror might be closer than they appear, they are still behind me. I can learn from them, I can build on the experiences and I can even steer away from them if necessary, yet, those things which occured in 2008 will always be behind me.

The rearview mirror of life is there for a reason. It lets you reflect on the things behind you but all the while knowing that your focus should be on that which is in front of you. If one was to drive with just using the rearview mirror as a guide, they will soon wreck. The mirror might help you drive backwards but driving backwards on a road is not only dangerous but illegal. Driving backwards also brings you back to areas that you might otherwise not want to be at again. Those roads have already been traveled. The accidents have been avoided or have occured, the potholes missed, the lesson learned...put the car in drive, look out the windshield and proceed forward!

Take the lesson from the roads you traveled and use those lessons as you proceed down the road of life in front of you. Sometimes those lessons teach you that you were on the wrong road to begin with. Maybe it reaffirms that you are indeed on the right road. Other times it alerts you to adjust your course. Even then, those lessons also help mold you and shape you to become a better driver. They help you to be more alert to the signs in front of you.

I looked in the rearview mirror of 2008 today and reflected. I also looked to that which is in front of me and smiled. God has great things in store as long as I follow the law of His road. He has many great things in store for you as well, if you follow the signs. Those potholes, speed traps, potential accidents that the enemy placed in your way, were meant for harm, but God allows you to reflect on them in your mirror and use them for good.

Enjoy your drive but remember, the focus is on the road in front of you!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Broad Brush of an Alarmist

The broad brush, which I mention in my blog Abstract Painting of a Twisted Agenda, seems to be the trend in Pentecost when one does not like something. Don't like that the guy down the road because he does not wear a tie? Broad brush. Don't like the new music they are playing in other churches? Broad brush. Pulpit moved so the Pastor is viewed as more down to earth? Broad brush.

On and on one can go and find different areas that people disagree with. The problem with the disagreement is that when one does, instead of noting it as just a personal dislike, they tie it to a faulty doctrine and then broad brush that person or church as dangerous. While it is agreed upon that false doctrine or erronious translations of scripture is indeed a very dangerous thing and for one to avoid, to paint someone into that mural just because they do not fit the cookie cutter that you have created, is as dangerous the movement you painted them into.

Emergent churches from the surface seem to be tied to universalism but along the way they also have a flair of relevancy. Relevance today, while some use it as a four letter word, is not a bad thing by itself. The problem is that many Charismatics have used relevance in their services and so the painting goes, if you are relevant, then you are charismatic. If you are relevant, then you are part of the emergent church. If you are part of the emergant church, then you are young. If you are young, then you are ignorant. The youth of today will destroy what the forefathers have worked so hard on! The youth of today are removing the landmarks! The youth of today are horrible! They are part of a emerging relevant church! Detest them in everyway! Label them now! Broad brush them into a false doctrine movement!

Be careful with that paint brush. Just because something does not fit your personal taste does not automatically make it a false doctrine or sin. Just because you cannot find a scripture to attack that personal style also does not mean you should attach that person or group to a movement just because that movement happens to have that style.

I for one agree, if a person is in false doctrine, then talk to that person. See if you can correct their ways. If not, mark them. False doctrine is and always will be dangerous and in no way should be part of the church. Person playing country twang music while you play modern worship songs? Let it be as just a personal taste. Are they teaching from a plexiglass podium while you have an old wooden pulpit? Let it be. Don't take your personal view and make it into an agenda , painting with a broad brush, labeling anything you disagree with as heretical.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Real Thing!

I was thinking the other day about what happens when you are "real?" As I look across the my life's spectrum, just like any other arena of life, there tend to be a lot of "fake" people mixed in with the "real."

I chose many years ago to only be a real person. In other words, what you see is what you get. I worked with young people that way for many years. I was upfront with them, straightforward, no watered down comments, opinions, etc. I have had many of them come up to me, e-mail me, etc. thanking me for being "real." Not for just being their teacher, friend, minister, but for being real.

I see a lot of patting of the shoulders and fake smiles. I hear a lot of 'politically correct' comments and or vague double speak from others in order to hide their true feelings or thoughts. I see a lot of people who behind closed doors become another person altogether and are not that same teacher, preacher, friend, etc. that you seen in public.

What would happen if you were just real? The same person you see out in public, is the same person you would see if you visited their home? The same person that patted your back, actually meant it. That smile was genuine. That 'thought to ponder' that you gave someone was an actual sincere attempt at helping that person instead of just getting them out of your face.

Obviously, being real does have its challenges. Some people you might talk to, will not be able to handle real comments. They might get offended by the audacity of you to tell them the truth. This is where being 'real' and 'genuine' balances out any bluntness your comment might pertain. More times than not, my 'realness' has been well received. Other times, the person, while not being so accepting at the beginning, was thankful for the 'realness' later on. A sincere heart and genuine comment will always balance it out.

What would happen if everyone removed the facade of being that labeled position or persuasion and began to be just that real person?

I'm tired of the fake, "How are you today?" passing comment. I want to hear someone say it and mean it. I am tired of the practiced smiles on peoples faces. I want to see real people. I want to know that you have bad days too. I want to know that you are not perfect. That sometimes you have that 'kick the dog' type of day.

Time to get off the high horse. Quit hiding behind some kind of title or position. Stop the egotistical mindsets.

Get over yourself, most of us already have.

What would happen if you were just real today?